There is a third form of speech which is neither prose nor verse, but partakes of the character of both, a sort of irregular, rhymeless verse, without strophic division and exceedingly rich in alliteration, internal rhyme and assonance.In the villanelle the influence of the strophic folk song is clearly perceptible.The poem is in the main strophic and the melody is of similar nature.The concatenation obliterates the distinctive character of two separate strophic organisms, the inclusion rounds off and defines a strophe, or group of strophes, and emphasises its distinctive character.As the concatenation brings about the conjunction of two strophes, so the inclusion constitutes the boundary line that cuts one strophic organism off from the next.The strophic form of the popular song points to the same phenomenon, which I always beheld with astonishment, till at last I found this explanation.Kanva family, while in the hymns composed by some of these Kanvas the favourite strophic metre of the eighth book reappears.The latter strophic type goes by the name of Pragatha, and is found chiefly in the eighth book of the Rigveda.For though a single family, that of the Kanvas, at least predominates among its authors, the prevalence in it of the strophic form of composition impresses upon it a character of its own.The whole dialogue falls into lyrical measures with strophic alternations just perceptible.The Chorus breaking into Strophic Lyrics vow vengeance and long train of ills on the city for this, Athene (in Blank Verse) propitiating them, and pleading that the cause has been fairly tried.The little Son flings himself passionately on the corpse [the metre breaking out into strophic alternations.With the rhetoric greater liberty has been used sometimes the original metre has been followed, but more often not and an occasional attempt has been made to bring out the strophic correspondence in the Irish.The strophic character of all Norse poetry is generally held to point to a choric origin, and it may very well be that this primitive type of poetry was the only one used in Norway when the heroic stories first became known there.Both appear to be constructed in strophic form, a feature rare elsewhere in Anglo-Saxon poetry, while Deor also has a refrain, which is almost without parallel.It is a hymn twenty-nine lines in length, of definite strophic arrangement, addressed directly to Marduk, and followed by exorcisms of various demons.Accordingly if one may draw a conclusion from Assyrian usage for the Old Testament, the effort often so zealously made to restore by elimination of lines a uniform strophic arrangement, is a grievous error.Throughout the poem nearly every line is complete by itself and there is no strophic arrangement.Perhaps the fact that interests the Old Testament student most in the strophic arrangement is that the number of lines in the strophes in the same hymn is by no means always uniform.Similar to the meaning ofStrophe, you can check other words' meanings as well by searching it online.Example sentences for "strophic" Lexicographically close words: strooken strop strophanthus strophe strophes stropping strops stroue strove strow This English to Urdu dictionary online is easy to use and carry in your pocket. Dictionary is a helpful tool for everyone who wants to learn a new word or wants to find the meaning. It can be used in various sentences andStropheword synonyms are also given on this page. However the meaning ofStrophestated above is reliable and authentic. There is more than 1 meaning of each word.

You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the wordStrophemeaning.įinding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. Stropheis an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts.Strophemeaning in Urdu is a ایک قسم کا گیت جو یونانی ناٹک میں دو جماعتیں گاتی ہیں -Aik qisam ka geet jo yonani natak mein dou jamaten gaati hain.Stropheword is driven by the English language.Stropheword meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu.